It's Time to Grow Your Business, Uplevel Your Results and Transform Your Life!



Because you DESERVE more success, more money, better clients, more time, feel in control of your business and enjoy your life.


We have a proven step by step framework to help you do this!

This is for you if...

  • Your tired of working so hard - and want to have better sales, better clients, and consistent income each month.
  • You’re not growing quickly enough - and want to know ‘what’ to do and ‘how’ to do it, with someone to show you the way.
  • Or, you’re busy already, want to uplevel your business, but are worried about the impact on time and family.    
  • You’re working long hours, not paying yourself what you should, -  and know there has to be a better way.
  • You’re ready to put in the work AND learn the skills you need to transform your mindset, your business, and create a life you love.   
Truly One of a Kind - Fiona is an incredibly talented business growth specialist. Her values-centered guidance challenged us to focus more on finding our specialisation that would capitalise on our passions and strengths.

Her knowledge of so many industries, and her willingness to connect us are particularly valuable. Her strategies have inspired and motivated us to take our business forward in the right direction. Fiona is truly one-of-a-kind to grow and scale your business.
- Jaline Pietroiusti

If this sounds like you, then read on below!

The BreakThrough Women in Business Program is a transformative 6 month Business Growth Program designed exclusively for women in business.

This is perfect for women who are ambitious to grow and scale their business, and want to learn the skills, strategy, step by step systems, and be part of a wider community of passionate, supportive women as you build your future success.   

If you’re ready to put in the work to get you to where you want to be and want someone with the knowledge, experience and specialist skills to help you with:
  • Strategy for Success
  • Skillset and Proven Systems for Growth
  • Support and Positive Community
  • Then is is for YOU!

Who Am I, and How Can I Help?

If we haven’t met yet - Hi, I’m Fiona Clark

I’m super passionate about transforming small business and empowering women to aim higher, uplevel their goals and create the business and life they want and deserve.

My purpose is to help empower women to be successful, and to make a positive impact for others, one business and one family at a time!

I’ve had the privilege of working with hundreds of small business owners to help them scale and grow their companies.  And I’ve helped them make thousands, hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars along the way.

I’m also a busy mum of two teenage girls, and set up my business in the middle of a recession over 10 years ago, when they were a lot younger.

I know what it’s like to constantly juggle business and family life, and feel like you’re being pulled in lots of different directions. 

After trying lots of different things, making mistakes and learning some tough lessons along the way, I’ve figured out how to make it work better.  Better for your business, better for your family and better for you!

And I’m here to help your business be successful, so you can make more money, work less hours and feel great about the level of success you’re achieving. 

I'm also fortunate to have been:

  • Featured on the Cover NZ Business Magazine
  • Contributor writer - NZ Business Magazine
  • Featured on TV3 ‘The Café’ program
  • Previous Facilitator and Trainer for the Auckland Chamber of Commerce
  • Interviewed International Radio Talk Show
  • Registered Provider for NZTE (you may be eligible for ATEED funding)
  • Guest lecturer Massey University
  • Former Member of the Board for Dress for Success Auckland
    (helping unemployed women back into the workforce)
Gave my business Structure, Direction, Clarity & Confidence! 
"I was new in business, feeling overwhelmed and suffering from lack of direction. Fiona helped me gain clarity of where I wanted to take my business, and helped me gain more confidence in what I was doing which I can’t thank her enough for! Fiona also taught me great tools which I use day-to-day to ensure I’m on track to achieving my goals!"
Natalie Brady

The difference between surviving and now thriving.  

"Fiona encouraged, guided, inspired, and motivated me to achieve. Her knowledge for business is outstanding and her ability to get results without adding pressure made it exciting and fun for me. Fiona was the difference between my business just surviving and now thriving."

Ang Hewson



There are often 2 key growth Problems in Business.


Which one are you? - Either way we can help!

You’re not growing quickly enough
-  which can be:

and disappointing

You’re growing too quickly - 
which can be:
and difficult to manage.

This unique Business Growth Training Program will help you to

Uplevel Yourself AND Your Business:


  • Firstly – help you to develop the business skills YOU need to grow your business.
  • Ever heard of the saying ‘What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There?’  If you want to build a successful business and create the life you want, you need to uplevel YOURSELF as well as your business.
  • If you know you have a good product or service, but sometimes lack confidence, doubt yourself, second guess decisions, hold yourself back, know you could do better and are tired of not achieving the results you know you’re capable of  -  its time to learn HOW to make the changes you need.
  • You will learn the business skills you need to feel confident, in control, and ready to take your business to that 100k, 500k or towards the million dollar mark.  


Business success is a combination of you as the business owner, leading from the front as the business grows, PLUS the smooth running of the day to day  operations as you grow and scale.

If you know you want to grow your business, and know where you want to get to, but not sure ‘how’ to do it when you’re so busy already, then now is the time to LEARN the next steps to make it happen.

Imagine having a business that runs like a well oiled machine?

  • Where you have consistent leads
  • Where you Choose the clients you want to work with
  • Where you’re increasing cashflow, making more money and getting paid what you deserve for the hours you’ve put in
  • Where you’re working the number of hours you want each week
  • Where you have time with the family and LOVE getting up in the morning to start your day

You will learn the step by step systems you need to streamline your business, regularly bring in new clients, manage your cashflow, provide outstanding service to your clients and save hours in time each week.


And we also know the power of being supported as you actively grow and scale your business.  Our unique new BreakThrough Women in Business Group Coaching program brings the best of everything together for you.  


Why A Group Coaching Program Works!

If you have self-doubt, second guessing, niggles about confidence, or imposter syndrome, we will work through this, and give you the tools to take action to turn this around. 

'What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There’. You will learn the business skills you need to feel confident, in control, and ready to take your business to that 100k, 500k or towards the million dollar mark.

You will learn the step by step systems you need to streamline your business, regularly bring in new clients, manage your cashflow, provide outstanding service to your clients and save hours in time each week. 

You will have your own small supportive mastermind group, where we provide you with the accountability and time needed to implement what you’ve learned to get things done.  This is a Done-With-You model, which helps you to get results faster than doing this on your own.     

You will be part of a positive and supportive community, with other women on the same path to grow and scale their business.  You never need to feel like you’re on your own, you’ll be part of a special group of women, where you can make new friendships, business connections and learn from each other.

The BreakThrough Women in Business Program will be the Game Changer you need to transform your business.  All of us have been impacted in some way by Covid-19, and this is your opportunity to decide what you want for the next year ahead, and make it happen!!

We Invite You...

The BreakThrough Women in Business Program will be the Game Changer you need for your next year in business.

Come and join us with our transformative 6 month Business Growth Program, with online training, exclusive small group coaching, personalised results-focused accountability, premium MasterMind workshops, and be part of a wider community of passionate, supportive women.


We provide you with:


Helping you Transform your business


Would you be happy in 12 months time if you were in the exact same place you are now?


We’d love to hear more about your situation and see how this could be a great fit for you.


Ready to start the conversation?

Enter your details below to download the info pack and see if this is a great fit for you.